
I first met Jan in indian shakti pat retreat. It was an extremely potent experience. Jan is a rare shakti pat master. To get shaktipat from him is a rare blessing

Amit Kumar
“I am a devotee of a guru but when a friend invited me over and I came to test jan .I was so ignorant .He saw through my facade and guided me beautifully and gave me shaktipat despite my self pride.It was such a divine experience that I can never forget it .”
Vidhur Sharma
“Jans vibration is so high .I could sense that his aura extends in kilometres.When he gave me shaktipat it felt as if Kali was sitting in front of me . I was overwhelmed with bliss and kept dancing and laughing uncontrollably .”
Gagna sethi
“I attended indian intensive with jan guruji I never experienced what I did with him. My head started moving like crazy and my heart and head started vibrating . His energy was very strong . I loved meeting him . My meditations have become deeper since I met him”
“Jan is an amazing teacher .I had a teacher before meeting him .My nephew told me to attend his intensive .That was the best decision I took .It was a divine experience especially the third eye shaktipat .I had never experienced such bliss in my entire life .The shaktipat also helped me to get my practices to work better for me.”
Indu Singh
“I was introduced to jan by a friend .I had been doing a lot of manual kundalini processes but receiving shaktipat from jan was so awesome and amazing .it was a bliss blast .His energies were so intense and the unconditional love pouring out from his being was overwhelming .I love and cherish every moment spent with him .When he first saw me he said welcome back pointing to our past life connection.”
Simar Singh
“I attended jans intensive in india .My head got so saturated with energy .I was feeling so blissful and ecstatic .I felt like dancing and laughing .I loved it immensely. It was an honor to meet him .”
Seema Singh
“I met jan through a friend .I have known him for a number of years .He spurred the devotion in my heart .When he gave me shaktipat ,I broke into tears of devotion,spontaneous body movements started happening and my crown and heart chakra started vibrating .He has helped me a lot as a guru ,father figure and a friend.”
Deepak Sharma
“I met jan in 2020 when an intensive was organised at my yoga studio .His energy is amazing and both me and my brother recieved shaktipat from him . His aura is so strong .He is a rare enlightened being.”
“This book is a masterpiece, talking about the process of self realisation and getting beyond it through love, devotion and surrender. This book beautifully takes you to a tour of various aspects and philosophies presented, thus clearing out confusion about this journey. It is a blessing that it exists in an age where everyone experienced or not has something to add making it a majestic mess.”
Purnoor Kaur
“I had just come to india to visit my family .At the same time my cousin had invited jan esmann for an intensive .I was an atheist .As we were sitting for coffee,my brother remarked that jans eyes have immense shakti .Initially I didnt believe but out of experimentation I tried eye gazing .Life has never been the same .My kundalini got active and my third eye started throbbing .I have been regularly doing the kriya pranayama and it has helped me a lot.”
“I was totally confused spiritually before I met jan. Meeting him was one of the best moments in my life. I felt so calm and at home. Kriyas started happening spontaneously. I started feeling tingling blissful sensations at the crown Lot of traumas got released. I felt so many chakra and emotional clearings. Jan is one of the rare shaktipat teachers in the west.”
Purnoor Kaur
I feel words are inadequate to describe this connection with Jan. My meeting him was carefully orchestrated by some divine hand. Receiving Shakti path from him is the greatest gift that has helped me enormously. He made me aware that what I wanted was already within me which was abundance of love and devotion. I did not have to acquire it or search for it but had to only remove the internal barriers of feeling of separation to realize this .Jan has been the biggest catalysts in my spiritual journey . I can go on and on about him but I would like you to experience it for yourself.
“I tried many shaktipat teachers but never experienced any energy But for the first time in my life ,I experienced kundalini power. I was blown away doing kriya pranayama regularly and listening jans audio helps me maintain shakti.”
“I attended two sessions of jan with my nephew. It was very powerful and intense. I am a sikh and read sikh scriptures but I experienced what I read due to his energy. Very great soul.”
Dr Amrinder
“I met jan when my son organised his intensive in india .Earlier I was a non believer and made fun of spirituality .But when jan gave me shakti pat my logical mind was challenged. My whole body started vibrating and I felt so blissful .jan is a highly evolved being.”