God Within

Only the human spirit is capable of being filled with God alone. Hence nothing worldly or of lower spirituality will ever truly satisfy us. That is just ego-spirituality and does not bring anyone closer to Enlightenment. You should set your goal on Enlightenment and in the name of God and THE SELF/IT shun every other kind of “spirituality”. There is one way to God and one way only. It is said there are many, and in a sense, for the preparatory stages, that is true, but ultimately there is only one. That one path, having been described throughout Jan’s books , is an attempt to convey that one path.

Let it be reminded that the Peace known by lovers of God comes from their heart being fixed, in longing and thought, in the Love of God. It is a Love-Bliss that sings and finds peace and burns with a hot fire and contemplates the super-essential Void of The Mother and The Holy Spirit and the Supreme Being: the Avatar, Son or Daughter of God. Only people who really know this from being IT know true Peace.

Pure Being

The in-itself eternally resting pure unmanifest Being, which is the One and out of which you are an individuality.

Kundalini Shakti

The primal energy in man. The energy which individuated you as you and which will grant you liberation.

Mother Divine

The Grace that guides Kundalini on its path of unfoldment and of uniting itself, and you, with the Absolute Self.

Practice Love, Devotion & Surrender


LOVE. Everybody knows love to some degree. Love for one’s wife and children for example. Or love for one’s teacher. Or love of religious icons and art. Feel this love as often and as strongly as possible during the day, then let go of the object of the love and just feel the love in and as itself. Stay with it for as long as possible. Enhance it with your breath (this technique cannot be explained, but you will figure it out with a little experimentation). Merge your conscious awareness with this love and you will feel the love naturally flows towards the Divine, to God.


DEVOTION. As love grows in you, and you connect with God, you will feel devotion to God. It is unavoidable. You cannot have real devotion without real Love, and the deeper and stronger the Love, the better. Thus real Devotion develops after real Love develops. You long for God with all your heart. You will cry tears of Devotion. In days or period when you do not feel that Love/Devotion, your heart aches with longing. Your lover has gone; you know not where. Will he/she come back? I assure you, God never abandons a true Lover and will come back, He/She is merely testing you. So remain Devoted. If not you may fall into apathy and boredom and get dragged down into sloth. If you find the joy of meditation and prayer has deserted you, still pray to God to take you out of that darkness you are in. Read holy books for inspiration.


SURRENDER. It can be said to be a higher octave of Love, similarily Surrender can be said to be a higher octave of Devotion. When Love-Devotion is strong you let go of everything and merge with IT, that is Mystical Surrender. And I mean “everything”. You let go of your sense of being a unique individual, yourself. You let go of desires, attachments, aversions and so on. Eventually you transcend the I-ness and merge into Pure Being, the SELF/IT. You surrender to GOD/IT/THE SELF beyond the super-essential clouds of first unknowing then non-knowing.

True renunciation

Once you have perfected Love, Devotion and Surrender, you have fully renounced the world. You are in the world, but not of it. You still enjoy things of the world but you love God in and as the thing, not the thing as a separate sensual phenomenon. This is True Renunciation, not self-denial and suppression of healthy, normal joys in life. You could say God has taken charge of you, but it is in a happy Surrender to God. Once Love of God has taken full control of your emotions and your very Being, then Love of the world-as-such fades away.


Guided meditations by Jan

Before we go into the various techniques, take note of this: No technique will ever take you to liberation. You have to let go of the technique and merge with the Self at the right time. I usually tell my students that the meditation technique is like a train ride: it takes you to the destination, but you have to get off the train at the destination to remain there, otherwise the train (technique) will remove you from your destination again. I normally suggest doing Kundalinī Kriyā and/or Kriyā Prānāyāma as the main practice, to be done twice daily for 50 minutes. If you don’t have the time for that, do as much as can manage. If Kundalinī Kriyā generates too much pressure in the head, stop doing it and do Kriyā Prānāyāma instead.

Beginning and ending meditation

Warm-up, 3 – 5 minutes

Sit comfortably in an upright posture. Go through your body beginning with the feet and ending with the head. Feel your feet, but in such a manner that you don’t do it from your head down, but rather are present in the feet and let the feet feel themselves. Let your whole attention be filled with the sensation of the feet. Then proceed to the ankles, the calves, and so forth. Spend as much time in each place as is needed in order to feel the presence there. When you reach the head, then feel the entirety of the body. Notice the body is breathing by itself. Don’t interfere with the rhythm, simply observe it.

Ending meditation

When it’s time to end meditation, don’t just stop and get up. First, let go, and see if you don’t go deeper by letting go. Spend some time like this. Then, when you really want to stop, sit with closed eyes a while and slowly open them while staying in meditation. Or, if you don’t want to open them slowly, you can open and close your eyes a few times while trying to hold the meditative state. Then meditate a few minutes with open eyes. Notice how your state is different now from what it was just before you began meditating. Remember, we don’t go out of meditation since meditation is merging with the Self, and we don’t want to go out of the Self. Rather we take meditation into the waking state.

The Meditation Techniques


Kundalinī Kriyā

The practice consists of three methods, which you switch between. When you reach a plateau, you switch to one of the other methods, and when that reaches a plateau, you switch back to the first method or to the next method, and so forth. Back and forth between the three main techniques, but all the while having just one objective. That is to intensify Shakti more and more, then to merge with it.

1. Body breathing (Linga Sanchalana)

As you observe the breathing, feel the entire body. It is as if the sense of touch built into the skin senses the skin itself. Now feel on the in-breath that you expand out through the skin. On the out-breath simply let go. Another way of saying it is that on the in-breath you feel the Shakti growing in intensity and size. On the out-breath you let go of any control or duality, and merge with Shakti in and around the body. As this continues, you will feel the body’s limits dissolve, while the feeling of Shakti becomes more tangible than the feeling of the body. Do this for as long as Shakti gets stronger, and you merge more and more. When it reaches a plateau, switch to spine breathing.

2. Spine breathing (Shambhavi Prānāyāma)

On the in-breath feel that you are moving energy up the entire spine at once, from the perineum to the top of the head. You can remember the word “hongg” as you do this. On the out-breath feel that you are radiating energy, or Lovebliss, in all directions from the brain and scull. You can remember the word “sauh” as you breathe out. But these words are really not important. The important thing is to feel Shakti grow and to merge with Shakti. Do this as long as Shakti gets stronger and you merge more and more. When it reaches a plateau, return to full body breathing.If you feel the energy pressure in the head becomes unpleasantly high, replace this practice with Kriya Prānāyāma.

3. Merging inflow and outflow

Here you do not follow the breath, but sense Shakti flows into the body and radiates from the body at the same time. This can be a rather paradoxical feeling, but once you get the knack of it, it is a very powerful meditation. Another way to explain it is to say you should sense radiating love to everything around you and receiving love from everything around you at the same time.

4. Merging in Lovebliss

When you experience being filled with Shakti or Lovebliss, then let go of your methods and merge with it. This is the goal of all practices and methods. No matter what practice you are doing, if you are on the verge of transcending I-ness and merging, then let go of the method/practice and merge in Lovebliss.

Below you can find Kundalinī Kriyā guided by Jan in English in four different lengths (10, 15, 25 and 50 minutes). 


Chakra Kriyā 

This can be done in any chakra, but is usually done in the heart chakra (middle of the chest), or in the ājnā chakra (between the eyebrows). If you want to do a nice and very powerful systematic method, you can go through all the chakras in order, beginning at the bottom and moving up one at a time. It has four steps to be performed in each chakra.

1. Pulsating

On the in-breath, sense energy going forward from the spine to the front of the body, and on the out-breath, moving back into the spine. Do this for about ten breaths. (If working with the root chakra or crown chakra, sense the energy moving up on the in-breath and down on the out-breath).

2. Expanding

Sense the entire chakra as a tube from the spine to the front of the body, or as a ball large enough to reach both the front and back. Or sense a ball the size of a fist in the front of the body. On the in-breath sense it expanding, and on the out-breath simply let go. Do this for about ten breaths.

3. Radiating 

Sense energy, love and bliss radiate from the chakra in all directions. Do this for about ten breaths.

4. Changing chakra

If you want to do a systematic practice for awakening the entire chakra system, then this is how to shift from one chakra to the next. On the in-breath, feel energy rising up the spine from the chakra you are leaving and reaching the next chakra. On the out-breath, feel the new chakra expanding. Do these for about ten breaths, and then proceed to the next chakra.

As you do this practice you may feel pressure in the body, in the chakra areas. Also, hidden emotions may arise. Please allow whatever comes up to arise, to be what it is, and leave. Remember that the goal is not catharsis, but to generate a pulse of shakti on which you can surf into bliss and the Self.

Below you can find Chakra Kriyā guided by Jan in English in two lengths (35 and 45 minutes):