Discover the Perfect Path:
Shaktipat Siddha Yoga

Shaktipat Siddha Yoga is a rare and sacred path of the Divine Grace. Through Mother’s Grace Kundalini awakens within you. The term “Yoga” signifies both the state of Union with the Self and the path to that Union. Our path is the Shakti path, or Shaktipat Siddha Yoga.The word Siddha means “perfect.”

<span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">Why is it the perfect path?

Because it is natural, spontaneous, direct, and fast. Once it grabs you, it is automatic. The Grace of the Divine Mother guides you on a direct path to Enlightenment.

In contrast, other yogas start from the ego and attempt to reach the Self, but the mind wanders off and gets caught in the inner world. In Shaktipat Siddha Yoga, the Absolute Self reaches out to you in an act of the Divine Grace and transforms you from within. Shaktipat initiation is the entry point to this path. Most Shaktipat masters give Shaktipat only once, but on the Shaktipat Siddha Yoga path, you can come back and receive the Grace of Shaktipat again and again.

On the Shaktipat Siddha Yoga path, Shaktipat is an integral part of the journey. It is a fast path, but it requires regular and daily meditation as prescribed.

In summary, Shaktipat Siddha Yoga is the perfect path to Enlightenment, because it is natural, spontaneous, and direct, and it is guided by the Grace of the Divine Mother.

<span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">The Sacred Lineage &Its Secret and Mysterios Origins

The Blue Being
Jan Esmann

Jan temporarily merged with the Blue Being in March, 1979, and thus got instant enlightenment. He then had to do decades of hard sadhana to get clean, strong and wise enough to live and share it.


When meeting Amma for the first time, there were only about 200 participants so Jan and Amma could chat. Jan saw She was one with the Blue Being and asked if She would take him to Full Enlightenment. She said Yes and manifested Her Being inside Jan’s head. She never left Jan and they are still merging more as Mother. Met ca. 1988.

The Blue Being
Jan Esmann

Jan temporarily merged with the Blue Being in March, 1979, and thus got instant enlightenment. He then had to do decades of hard sadhana to get clean, strong and wise enough to live and share it.

Gururaj Ananda Yogi

He is strictly speaking not part of this lineage. But he did so much for Jan that he must be mentioned. He showed Jan you can live, dress and behave like everybody else and still be Enlightened.

Shri Dhyanyogi

A Perfect Yogi. Guru of Shri Anandi Ma, initiating her into Kundalini Maha Yoga with Shaktipat.

Shri Anandi Ma
Mother of Bliss

She initiated Jan into Kundalini Maha Yoga with Shaktipat in Absentia, using a rose flower as a carrier. Ca 2005. Later initiated in person.

Avadhoot Shri Shri Bhagavan Nityananda
Swami Muktananda
Swami Nityananda of Shanti Mandir

The true successor of Muktananda. He gave Jan Shaktipat initiation into Siddha Yoga. Met Nityananda ca. 1986-7.