3-Day Intensive in Belgrade (Serbia)

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Date and Time:

2025-01-17 11:00 am - 2025-01-19 - 7:00 pm

Event Location:

Belgrade City Hotel, Savski Trg 7, Belgrade, Serbia

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We invite you to meet the enlightened teacher and receive a very sacred and rare Shaktipāt initiation at 3 day meditation intensive with Jan Esmann in Belgrade, Serbia on January 17th – 19th 2025.

He is one of few persons in the western world, who can give a very sacred and very rare Shaktipāt initiation.

Shaktipāt means a transference of Shakti (the spiritual energy of the Self) from the master to the student (you) with the aim of awakening the otherwise dormant Kundalinī in you, so that the Kundalinī Shakti (divine energy) begins to work for your enlightenment. Shaktipāt initiation grants you the grace of a semi-automatic sādhana (spiritual practice and path) known as Shaktipāt Yoga, Siddha Yoga (Perfect Yoga). Rather than you reaching out to the Self, the Self now reaches out to you. This is grace and is the hallmark of Shaktipāt Siddha Yoga.


Self-realization is the ultimate and the most desirable state to be attained, and the awakened Kundalini leads to this state. Awakening the Kundalini has a general purifying effect on the body and mind. For example, health often improves, one often feels light and energetic, and the mind becomes peaceful.

At more advanced levels of the Kundalini’s progress the one can feel bliss, achieve peace and mental control, can become more creative, can develop a profound understanding of nature and experience inner joy. Ultimately, the student encounters total reality, the absolute truth, knowledge of the Self.

As well as Shaktipat transmissions, Jan shares his experience of meditation and enlightenment and he is available to answer questions. He has written a number of books explaining the process of awakening through the path of Love, Devotion and Shaktipat Transmissions. His books and articles are available at: https://www.shaktipat.one/books/.


For full benefits of the Shaktipāt meditations and transmissions, we have designed a thorough and powerful 3-day intensive event. 

Each day we start at 11am and finish at 7pm, including a 2h lunch break. In addition, there will be several coffee/tea breaks during the day.

Cost: 150 Euros for 3 days.

Please note that accommodation and other meals are not included.

Venue: Belgrade City Hotel in Savski Trg 7 in Belgrade, Serbia.

If you have further questions, please contact admin@shaktipat.one.

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